The Science
Homoeopathy has existed for about 200 years. Today, this science is being practiced in almost every country. In Europe, 40% of French; 40% of Dutch; 37% of British; and 20% of German physicians use homoeopathy. In the United States, hundreds of thousands of people take homoeopathic remedies each year. In India, the acceptance has been even more phenomenal.

Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, dissatisfied with the convential medicine of his time, discovered homeopathy in 1796.
He laid out two principles. First, he determined that “like cures like” (Similia Similibus Curentur). This meant that a substance that produces certain symptoms in a healthy person can be used to cure similar symptoms in a sick person. Second, Hahnemann asserted that smaller doses of a homoeopathic remedy would be more effective began the use of extreme dilutions of the remedies. The minutest dose of a homoeopathic medicine can bring about a complete cure in a patient. Homeopathy is not botanical science or a branch of Ayurveda.He and his students, consumed various organic substances and carefully observed the symptoms. The reactions (or symptoms) experienced were collected & compiled into the ‘Materia Medica’- the Bible of Homoeopathy.

Why Homoeopathy
When conventional treatment fails Homoeopathy is looked as an ‘alternative’. The distrust with expens¬ive drugs, invasive procedures and painful surgeries, has unfortunately been growing and there is still no guarantee for permanency.If the physician finds nothing wrong, the patients’ malady is then termed ‘psychosomatic’! But even ‘psychosomatism’ is a disease in itself disturbing the patient. The patient who wants treatment & wants to be cured of his aliment is upset when the physician says that time alone will cure the problem. Just an irrelevant argument at home may trigger off a skin rash – hard to believe? But TRUE. It is at this very point that, homoeopathy does its job. Any small trigger can manifest a diseased condition.