The Testimonial
Worlds Downs day 2022

Sharmin, a talented baker at The Om Creations Trust ( a vocation center that rehabilitates young adults with developmental disabilities) shares her ‘gynaec’ problems.
Dr. Daswani has been associated with The Om Creations’ trust for almost 15 years.Started OM MEDICARE wherein all staff as also the children are treated free of charge. These young ‘special’ students look forward to her visit to share all there little woes & problems!Dr.Daswani visits the center once a month as also conducts various health camps for their overall well being.
She also helps in fundraising for them & promotes sales of the exemplary products they make at the center. Do check them out on
Kapil Kohli – Testimonial
Mr. Sachin Gurjar an employee with Citibank (Pune) diagnosed with early Hypertension:
Recurrent abscess after two surgeries :
I am Ramesh Lakhani, Deputy Manager, SBI.I was infected with Covid-19 in March 2021. Post Covid recovery, I felt that in my right eye, there was blur vision and black mark had become very darker (which was there before covid infection). I consulted two eye specialist doctors but they could not provide any solution of my eye problem saying that regular check up is the only preventative measure and if any retinal problem develops, then we can go for lazor treatment.
But then I consulted you for homeopathic treatment. I am happy to inform you that after almost 2 months of treatment from you, the dark spot in my right eye seems to be lightening and there seems to be some improvement.
I am thankful to you for the treatment and I would like to continue the same till full cure of my eye problem.
Thank you madam, once again, for helping me.
With regards,
I live and work in China but since the last 4 months I am in India and cannot go back! With lot of insecurity and uncertainty about my future and my job in china because of this Covid situation was getting anxiety attacks every 8-10 days, then a relative referred me to Dr Anita Daswani. I had a video consultation with her as it was lockdown time. She very patiently heard me and asked me all details about my job,my habits,my daily life,etc and sent me some medicines by courier! Now since the last 1.5 months after started taking her medicines I have not have had any anxiety attack and feel much calm and peaceful!
Thank you doctor!
Dear Dr Daswani,
Allow me to introduce Dr Vibha. A very very dear friend of mine since we were 4 years old. She has a German shepherd who is 11 and suffering from arthiritis. I was just telling her how much your meds have helped Champak. He is so Much better! Vibha is based out of Hyderabad.
Vibha, Dr Daswani is a very dear friend of mom’s and thanks to her Kaushik has been spared my mood swings! Her treatments over the years have helped all of us tremendously.
I do hope it works out for Cookie too!
Thank you Doc!
Dear Dr Daswani,
I have been suffering from Pharyngitis for a very long time. I used to take antibiotics. They would provide some relief but recur soon enough and I would need another course of antibiotics. When I consulted Dr Daswani, I didn’t have much hope, as I was more or less resigned to my throat problem. Glad to say that she has improved my condition remarkably. Now my need for antibiotics has come down to once a year and sometimes not even that.
Another area that she has successfully treated me, is skin allergy. Her Homeopathic medicines have completely cured me of skin allergy that I was suffering from.
Thank you, Doctor!
A very good afternoon to you.First of all, I would like to state that I love the way you smile vibrantly and talk to us whenever we come to you with our concern and make it sound so small that we feel tension free and relaxed.
I am also extremely happy to state that my diabetes which had crossed the border line is completely cured in a period of around 6 months by taking the homeopathic medicine prescribed by Dr. Anita Daswani.I have enclosed scanned copies of my reports taken in a gap of six months’ time.
Secondly, I feel elated to share another experience wherein I had persistent stomach pain (not shooting pain but an irritating one), the on and off ones.Songraphies showed normal results.I started taking medicines prescribed by Dr. Daswani and within a month, the pain reduced and now since a long time, I have extremely no pain.Her medicines also undoubtedly give extremely positive results for throat pain, cold and cough.
Last but not the least, my overall cholesterol levels which were high enough nearing 230 have come down to around 205 now. I thank you and the Bank profusely for introducing such a good doctor and more importantly, a wonderful human being for our health care. God bless great doctors like you who are even beautiful human beings………
Thanks and regards.
Dogs & pets are very receptive & show great results with Homoeopathic treatment

Elmo does not limp any more !

Thank you so much for sending us Elmo’s arthritis medicines, they’ve really helped him and he’s doing much better than he was earlier 😊
All the photographs, testimonials, reports are published with the prior consent of the patient/family.
Disclaimer: My Homeopathic treatment is administered as a Complementary & Alternative Medicine service.
It does not replace / substitute any other conventional treatments that may have been advised.